
Showing posts from August, 2016

2016 - Week 9 - Bardon

2016 - Week 9 - Bardon - Thursday 1 September This week's QuestGaine will start out of Bardon, this is a old map with some changes and corrections as well as a new starting location. There's a couple of hills and a few tracks on offer. The starting location will be in Jubilee Park, near the corner of Fletcher Parade and Empress Terrace. The map was originally set by Blake.  Please register below -  BY MIDDAY THURSDAY   Entry is Free! - But if you've enjoyed a couple of QuestGaines please register for the 2016 series  here  ($5 per series) to help cover printing costs - Thanks Timing: Please arrive by 6:50pm Map handout at 6:58pm Turn over maps for two minutes of route planning at 6:58pm Mass start at 7:00pm Finish at 8:00pm - 20 point penalty for every minute you are late 8:00pm onwards - enter your answers into the online form that generates a live leaderboard What to bring: Marker Pen/ highlighter Headtorch Compass (optional) Whistle for safety ...

Week 9 - South Brisbane - Results

Here are the results from tonight's QG at South Brisbane . If you didn't get the link for answer submissions you can input th em  here . Feel free to post your route in the comments below. As always if you are interested in setting a course please get in touch, we can tell you everything you need to know.      

2016 - Week 9 - South Brisbane

2016 - Week 9 - South Brisbane - Thursday 18 August This week's QuestGaine will start out of South Brisbane, this is a smaller map with a high density of controls incorporating 5 of the CBD bridges. Lots of small navigation details and plenty of controls to visit. The starting location will be in Kurilpa Point Park, on the Southbank side of the Kurilpa Bridge. This week's map has been set by Craig.  Please register below -  BY MIDDAY THURSDAY   Entry is Free! - But if you've enjoyed a couple of QuestGaines please register for the 2016 series  here  ($5 per series) to help cover printing costs - Thanks Timing: Please arrive by 6:50pm Map handout at 6:58pm Turn over maps for two minutes of route planning at 6:58pm Mass start at 7:00pm Finish at 8:00pm - 20 point penalty for every minute you are late 8:00pm onwards - enter your answers into the online form that generates a live leaderboard What to bring: Marker Pen/ highlighter Headtor...

Week 8 - Mt Ommaney - Results

Here are the results from tonight's QG at Mt Ommaney. If you didn't get the link for answer submissions you can input them  here . Feel free to post your route in the comments below. As always if you are interested in setting a course please get in touch, we can tell you everything you need to know.   

2016 - Week 8 - Mt Ommaney

2016 - Week 8 - Mt Ommaney - Thursday 11 August This week's QuestGaine will be held in Mt Ommaney, this area features some riverfront running along generally flat terrain with a complex street and path network. The starting location will be Bowman Place, in front of the giant water tank. This week's map has been set by Alex.  Please register below -  BY MIDDAY THURSDAY   Entry is Free! - But if you've enjoyed a couple of QuestGaines please register for the 2016 series  here  ($5 per series) to help cover printing costs - Thanks Timing: Please arrive by 6:50pm Map handout at 6:58pm Turn over maps for two minutes of route planning at 6:58pm Mass start at 7:00pm Finish at 8:00pm - 20 point penalty for every minute you are late 8:00pm onwards - enter your answers into the online form that generates a live leaderboard What to bring: Marker Pen/ highlighter Headtorch Compass (optional) Whistle for safety (optional)

Week 7 - Milton - Results

Here are the results from tonight's QG at Milton. Thanks to Peter for setting this one. If you didn't get the link for answer submissions you can input them  here . Feel free to post your route in the comments below. As always if you are interested in setting a course please get in touch, we can tell you everything you need to know.   

2016 - Week 7 - Milton

2016 - Week 7 - Milton - Thursday 4 August This week's QuestGaine will be close to town, starting in Milton and taking in a few bridge crossings. The starting location will be Dunmore Park, near the corner of Roy St and Lang Parade. This week's map has been set by Peter.  Please register below -  BY MIDDAY THURSDAY   Entry is Free! - But if you've enjoyed a couple of QuestGaines please register for the 2016 series  here  ($5 per series) to help cover printing costs - Thanks Timing: Please arrive by 6:50pm Map handout at 6:58pm Turn over maps for two minutes of route planning at 6:58pm Mass start at 7:00pm Finish at 8:00pm - 20 point penalty for every minute you are late 8:00pm onwards - enter your answers into the online form that generates a live leaderboard What to bring: Marker Pen/ highlighter Headtorch Compass (optional) Whistle for safety (optional)