Week 24 - Kenmore Results

Here are tonight's results. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

Feel free to share your routes in the comments below.


EDIT: for whatever reason the results seem to be displaying incorrectly on the live form - here is a copied version of the results proper:

NameAdjusted ScoreFinish TimeLate Penalty
Tony Bowman84020:00:00
Errol Bebbington78007:59:00
Matthew Kerr76019:57:00
Vetti Fawcett69007:56:00
Reynard 67007:55:00
Rob Shaw62020:02:0040
Karen Shaw60019:56:00
Neets Pluschke59019:59:00
Heather Shearer57019:58:00
Brett webber48019:47:00
Brett webber 48019:47:00
Grahame Adams46020:01:0020
Damien Ayers42019:59:00


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