Exciting news

I'm delighted to be able to report that my next novel, provisionally entitled Meeting Odette, will be published sooner than I'd expected. Not Christmas 2019, but December 2018. Please don't buy your Christmas presents too early: this book is intended to be a good stocking-filler at the very least. You can pre-order/pledge for one copy or many at the Unbound website here.

It has taken me 26 years to reach this point with it, so you'll understand it gets top priority.

There'll be a lot of very intense work between now and publication, as it's not exactly far off in the grand scheme of things. In the meantime I have numerous existing commitments including the Australia visit, plus words for some choral works and a youth opera for Garsington 2019 with the composer Paul Fincham.

Therefore, just as news comes through that JDCMB has been ranked #6 in the Top Ten Best UK Classical Music Blogs on the Planet (yeah, I know, I know...), I have to reinforce the current point of its existence:

I write what I can, when I can, if and when I have something to say. And that's it. My intention of building it up through reader subscriptions has not proved as viable as I'd hoped under its current set-up, though I am deeply grateful to everyone who so kindly contributed to A Year for JDCMB and value your support, both emotional and moral, very much indeed.

I will be writing a diary for JDCMB while I'm at the Australian Festival of Chamber Music in Townsville in July and August, because that will be fun. I won't be doing any interviews specially for the blog in the meantime, though, and I won't be accepting any pitches. I'll just try and post nice stuff when I can. If you enjoy my writing, please read my books. They are all listed in the sidebar.


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